Which weighs more: 100lbs of rocks or 100lbs of Feathers?
What to do when anger overtakes you? Makes you into a person who you were not intending to be, turns you to the path of ill repute? Has you fathoming the most dastardly things imaginable by even the most hostile and vile of people? What do you do when the earth beneath your feet is suddenly taken away? When what you know to be the norm suddenly becomes the past definition of life? How do you continue on with life when “life” as you know it ceases to be that? Ever question obvious things? If it’s illegal to ride around while speaking on a cellular phone (without a hands free device/feature), shouldn’t you be able to make a citizen’s arrest on the officer that cut you off because he didn’t see you as he was arguing on the phone with his mistress? What do you do? Why is everybody in ol’ boy RayRice business? I’m not an advocate for men putting hands on women for any reason, however there are those circumstances where in the aftermath of it all a genuine (real) female will admit that she was attempting to push said man to the edge in order to get a reaction out of him. In regards to that situation in particular I have only one thing to say: ‘she took the ass whoopin as his girlfriend and is watching all the news fallout as his wife’. Point blank period. It’s over, none of our business, they’ve taken care of it within their camp so therefore it has nothing to do with the rest of the world. Unfortunately for Mr. & Mrs. Rice their lives are public, so even though she spit in this man’s face, and smacked him about 3 times (that we saw on camera) he was in error for putting hands on her. Let’s not forget to examine the man too though; this is an athlete we are talking about a man whose life is about testosterone, whose job it is to either get around or through somebody. Come on now, you know another man wouldn’t have pushed him like that, spit in his face and smacked him about. Factor in the element of Atlantic City; the alcohol, the gambling, the fact that she probably caught him at least 6 times that night with a wandering eye. The real story in this whole situation is this dirt bag Roger Goodell, commissioner of the NFL for anybody like me who doesn’t watch sports and didn’t know off the top of their head, acting as though he didn’t receive that tape when it first came out. Really? What year are we living in again? What country is this? How much money does this man have? SHIIIIITTTTTTTT (in my Bunk from the Wire voice) Them ‘good ol boy’s’ sure know how to pass that buck right? This man Rice gets tossed back out into the cold even though this whole matter was discussed and dealt with months ago, but Rog can act as though he had no knowledge and it all gets sweeped under the rug, I call BULLSHIT NFL. I think it’s odd that people pick and choose when to get upset over a general issue. The man put hands on his lady and was punished, fine, but when it comes out that Goodell was/is a lying sack of horse manure somebody needs to lose their executive skybox seats, that’s all I’m saying. If they got all these ‘put the phone down’ and ‘click it or ticket’ campaigns going on and tickets are starting at like $150 in some places for violating said laws. Then all things being fair and equal, I should be able to stand at the corner and write out citizens’ arrest tickets for every officer I see violating or riding around with their seatbelt off. Ha, wouldn’t that be something? I’d probably get arrested for disorderly conduct or something like that. That’s all for now, I know it’s been a while but I had to drop a lil 2nd day of the week on you, one time for the one time. I’ll definitely be back next week as the fall premiers start to roll in. I’m already not feeling one, but I’ll reserve my judgment until I see the pilot. Any love/hate mail holla at my inbox [email protected]. Be sure to follow on Twitter @crewunB as well as my fellow bloggers/crewMembers @tymonday @CraftyLefty57 & @TheMisterCeizzo. Fall is upon us so be sure to get your a la carte crewneck. Its flyer than the piece of paper bearing our name. Which simply means it’s unBearably Fly. Till next time #beunBearable
The summers basically over, school’s back in session (We began today), the NFL is back, and my birthday is in a matter of hours. Peace to September, the ninth month. Earth, Wind & Fire wrote a song about it. Donell Jones wrote a damn good song titled “September Love.” I played it like 35 times consecutive years back the day a certain lady and I mutually agreed to part ways. Really, she said goodbye and I was forced to accept it. Anyway, September, in many regards is a new beginning. Here’s to new beginnings.
As an almost genius/visionary/semi-neurotic, I’ve spent a fair share of time simply daydreaming about what it’s going to be like when I finally blow global. I can see all the interviews, I can see the financial decision making, and I can see the millions of smiles that I plan to create. Being a man moments away from being 36 years of age, I think it’s safe to say that I’ve more than paid my dues. Now, if you know me, you know I’ll be the first to accept full responsibility for all of my shortcomings, as I’m fully aware that several ill-advised (I’ll refrain from calling them flat out bad) decisions that I’ve made are the precursors. That last statement was the grown ass man in me; that was the jump on the grenade. Honestly, I’ve had a hard knock life, filled with disappointment that I had absolutely no control over. Some of these disappointments would have crushed the average man, but I’m the best of my breed, I endure. Through it all, I endure. And praise God for even being here to go through all the pain. But every so often, He reminds me that the last shall be first. That’s what keeps my heart from breaking every single time I hear about a child being abused or molested, a hardworking man having to sleep in the streets, a single mother with no help giving her all to keeping her family together, another dream deferred. But these heartbreaks are what fuel my desire to be the best and be cited and justly compensated for it. They’re what allow a big kid with a heart that’s long since been broken to still dream. Some may say that’s it’s absurd for a man my age to still dream, that that’s a kid’s thing. Fuck that, and fuck you. That’s what’s wrong with so many of my folk; they’ve been held down so long that they don’t even think that it’s cool to dream. They allow life to deprive them of something that has never cost a thing. For so many of us, age 4-64, all we have is our dreams. Some of us got tough shakes at life, but we still have our dreams. It doesn’t matter how old you are. Our brother Nelson Mandela spent 27 years incarcerated for not a damn thing. I’m quite certain that his dreams kept his head above water. The mind is so fragile. When faced with time like that, if you can’t keep a level head, it’ll eat you alive. Dreams keep the mind sharp; they forge a permanent ink onto your mental. So even if you come from nothing. Even if neither one of your parents are worth shit. Even if the whole world told you you’ll never make it. You can still dream. Then you have a blueprint in your mind for how you want to make them a reality. Never let them tell you that you’re washed up or too old. It took Fat Joe four albums to go platinum. Four albums, y’all (J.O.S.E. Jealous Ones Still Envy)…that never happens in rap music. If you don’t have a solid gold or platinum fan base, you won’t even get to your fourth project in the rap business most of the time. But Joe, as he’s always done, found a way to reinvent himself. He also found his way to Irv Gotti’s laboratory, and let Ja and Ashanti do what they do. But he made it happen. Four albums later and almost a decade in the game, Joe ultimately saw platinum success. Things like this are what fuel me. I know that my talent is more than sufficient. And I turn up when the lights turn on, something like Mr. Saturday Night. But I’m Mr. Monday. I’m just waiting on my moment with @Jeremih crooning in the left and right earphone. And exactly what do I dream of telling Charlie Rose/Oprah/Tavis/Lil Bow Wow dem when I get my time on their shows? I always knew I’d be here. It was only a matter of time, like centuries. And what do I plan to do with my success? I hope to travel the nation and world over telling all of the people my heart bleeds for that, no matter how bad it gets, if you can still dream it, you can still achieve it. Like Makaveli the Don said, just look at me. Send any business inquiries to [email protected]. Follow me on the Twitter @tymonday, along with my bruvas @TheMisterCeizzo and @CraftyLefty57 and our squadron, @crewunB. I know you see our classic black and white tees flooding the streets. Go on ‘head and cop one for you, your baby mama, your lil one, and your auntie. If you don’t rock with the Twitter, catch us on IG as theunbearablescrew. Don’t forget our a la carte game. We create then drop it off to you like Pearl Washington in the mid ‘80s. I see a lot of flavorful Kobe 9s out there. We pass you the design, you color it, and we pass it back to you with the custom flair. Get at us. That’s my time. Peace to man, woman, and child. |
November 2024
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