“Whole city is mine, prettiest don. I don’t like the way P. Diddy did Shyne with different lawyers. Why it’s mentioned in my rhymes? Fuck it. It’s just an intro, hate or love it. Like it, bump it, or dump it.” Nas Big ups to all the 30+ men out there who feel it’s imperative to say “pause” 43 times a day. Your homophobia is laughable and intriguing all at once. I do have a question. Do you realize that you’re the one thinking that way? Like, someone said something random, and your brain felt it necessary to yell “pause?” I don’t condone homophobia. It’s not amusing to me. But yelling “pause” every time someone says something you deem to be [REDACTED] is completely hilarious. My guy Ike P. from 15 Minutes of Fame’s Restore Order podcast has to be the king of “Ayoo,” his catchphrase after someone says something he deems pause worthy. Ike is funny AF. A bit excessive, but funny AF. I don’t really care [if it’s done in good humor]. I’m not the damn fun police. But if it’s done with homophobic undertones, I absolutely have a problem with it. Just leave folk alone. And, in tune with my proclivity to play devil’s advocate, ease the fuck up with all the oversight, all you police ass MF. You don’t have to cancel every damn body for having opinions/beliefs that differ from yours. (((MESSAGE))) MOTIF LOADING Mr. Tesla himself, Elon Musk, the Caucasian South African American owner of Twitter, has made a few peculiar moves in his short tenure as owner. Feel free to do a google search to chronicle his perceived shortcomings. I’m going to focus on his reinstatement of incendiary MF who had their Twitter rights taken away pre-Musky. The list includes El Queso Grande AKA Donald tRump, his son Ye, The Notorious MTG (personal account) and Andrew Tate (every “alpha” male’s favorite xenophobe), to name a few. Musky claims he’s doing it in the name of free speech. It may come as a surprise, but I agree with the reinstatements. I have no problem giving bigots and all-around pieces of shit their Twitter handles back. I’m heavy on A1. Just apply the Twitter warnings when applicable. PS: tRump insists he won’t come back because of his personal platform Truth Social. I actually believe the bombastic autocrat (for once) because if he does come back to Twitter, it will all but doom Truth Social. Investors would go insane. It would be beyond crazy. Once upon a time in America, Americans could speak freely. If they crossed the line, they got taxed (whether in the courthouse or the streets). Many may have vehemently disagreed with what was said, but it ended there. It was what it was. But the perceived need to censor and cancel every bigot, asshole or free thinker every time they say something objectionable is definitely the summit of a very slippery slope, and I see it backfiring at some point. When is the line drawn, and when will it be redrawn? If a statement/soundbite/quote is slanderous or libelous, then let the courts do what they do, or let the streets distribute justice. If not, simply disagree and keep it moving. Did y’all see how they tried to eliminate Kyrie? It doesn’t matter what the film/documentary was about. Kyrie Irving is free to like whatever he chooses. His post isn’t an endorsement; it’s a post that displays a documentary he found to be interesting. He didn’t comment that it was a must-see. This may sound completely fucked up, but I’m going to say it anyway. Hate (alone), whether perceived or evident, is not a punishable offense. Me saying leave Kyrie and others alone isn’t an endorsement or co-sign of any actual or perceived fuckery. It’s simply respecting their right to free speech and expression. I don’t necessarily agree with the beliefs of Black Israelites. That doesn’t mean that I feel that they should be purged from existence, either. Shit...I don’t mind those militant MF entertaining us in Times Square on the way to Port Authority. Never did. These days, it seems that we can expect banishment (cancel culture) if we don’t conform to societal norms. An American is “un-American” if they state that they don’t understand why Ukraine receives billions from the US government while questioning why Jackson MS and Flint, MI continued to be without clean drinking water. I can keep going, but I think you get the point. Check the #MNR archives if you care about how I feel about continued Ukraine support. My focus is on how and why people can be villainized for being non-conformist. I don’t like it. I think it’s bullshit. It doesn’t matter if I personally agree or disagree. What matters is the right to speak freely. I cherish the opportunity for woke MF to attack me with the “your speech isn’t free if it infringes upon the rights of others” angle. YES. THIS IS TRUE. But what’s often mistaken are the assumptions that lead to that statement. Kyrie’s “endorsement” of the Black Israelite documentary is not infringing upon the rights of others in any manner. Kyrie never said to go out and commit crimes against [REDACTED] people. That would be...criminal. His endorsement simply means that he agrees with whatever he agrees with in the documentary. He is free to agree with some parts and disagree with others. He is also free to agree with 100% of the documentary. Sure, he’d be a POS for having antisemitic (or any bigoted) beliefs, but he’d be well within his rights. I love how Americans conveniently overlook and/or accept certain things while castigating others, i.e., moving the goalposts. Ask a patriot about the legacies of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Most will proudly proclaim that they’re two of the “founding fathers,” yet quickly deflect when a scholar points to their ownerships of scores of slaves. But it’s ok because they did so much for “our” country. It’s ok to move the goalposts because their perceived legacy overshadows contextual history. Yeah, I’m not buying it. Get the fuck outta here. Fuck boffum. I’ll throw you another example: the motherfucking police and police brutality/all-around fuckery. Fuck them too. The hypocrisy is deafening. I rest my case. The more I analyze America’s blatant hypocrisy, the more I think about that South Park episode where the adults were so worried about offending certain groups of people that the kids’ school Christmas play became some bland, boring presentation because any and everything related to the holiday may have offended someone. I think I may wake up one day and it will be our reality. America... I’d like to extend my prayers to the victims of yesterday’s hate crime in Club Q in Colorado Springs. No one deserves to be hunted and murdered for who and/or what they are. I don’t condone hatred towards others. Sexual orientation doesn’t matter. Big ups to the patrons who disarmed and subdued that brazen killer. I don’t know how eager the police would have been to actually do their job. Do you remember the scene in Atlanta when Earn, in an attempt to break a fresh blue face in the movie theater, approached a white man who was on the phone? Well, if you do, you definitely remember the white man’s response. He didn’t make a scene while objecting; he didn’t bug out and he damn sure didn’t do any explaining. He simply opened his blazer to indicate that he was carrying [a pistol]. That was all the answer Earn needed. The silent gesture screamed, “Fuck off, [REDACTED]. Hell no.” Call me crazy, but that’s exactly why I respect pilgrims down south as opposed to their northern counterparts. Up north racists are far less likely to let their racism ring bells. They’d rather play it cordial out front and let it all out behind closed doors. I don’t respect it. Don’t work beside me day in, day out and lead me to believe you and I are cool, much less friends, only to have your true colors come out later and unexpectedly. Down the way, pilgrims let that reb (Confederate) flag fly proudly. If you don’t see the flag, their look and tone is red with blue intersecting lines that contain stars. You already know the time. You don’t need a clock. You don’t have to ponder their racism. You move accordingly, meaning you don’t fuck with them, and they damn sure don’t fuck with you. That’s how I feel about public figures/everyday MF/whomever who display their racism/xenophobia/misogyny on social media or in soundbites. I’d rather them have the umm...what’s that word...oh yeah – FREEDOM to spew their bullshit so I (AND EVERYONE ELSE) can take notes and act accordingly. Afterwards, I can exercise my umm...umm...freedom and block/boycott/ignore them. I welcome their ignorance. Trying to cancel celebrities for incendiary comments because you think it inspires others to commit acts of violence is pure bullshit. It is akin to trying to censor music because you feel the lyrics do the exact same thing. I could be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure that case was litigated in court. But what do I know? Do me a favor all my far-left, super woke friends who take everything to heart. YouTube the Redd Foxx comedy roast from the ‘70s. Goodnight y’all. tymonday.com: @tymonday on Twitter & IG crewunb.com: @crewunB on Twitter & @theunbearablescrew on IG
#MNR: DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE “But it’s far from over.” Joey Bada$$ Political pundits warned us of an impending red wave (Republican domination at the ballots) entering last Tuesday’s midterm elections. Dems were predicted to incur heavy losses in both parts of congress as well as in gubernatorial races across the country. The economy and crime were believed to be at the forefront of the arguments of disgruntled Americans who were eager for change. The Grand Old Party (GOP) was convinced that it was America’s answer, despite its collective desire to strip established rights away from the people it “serves.” The GOP was convinced that voters were eager to see things its way, even though few Rs outside of Rick Scott offered any type of plan to better the economy. Scott’s plan was absurd, by the way. Polls reflected the sentiment, giving indications that Rs would flip anywhere from 20-60 (yes 60) seats in the House, as many as four seats in the senate and several governorships across the land. Ambitious House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy needed a bib to keep the slobber of his salivating chops from drenching his shirt and tie, while Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was much less enthusiastic. The bicameral party leaders had differing predictions entering Tuesday night. It seems that the wily old senator’s incredulity was much more sagacious in the end. FROM WAVES TO SPLASHES The red wave that many predicted never reached shore. Republicans were met with sobering losses in the house, senate and governor races. The House, almost certain to flip entering last Tuesday, is still up in the air, with the great Steve Kornacki and MSNBC predicting that the flip at most will be a one (1) seat advantage, from 220-212 (3 vacancies) Dem to 219-216 R, with a +/- of 4. 218 is the magic number for the majority. For the politically unaware, that means that McCarthy perpetually would be at the mercy of his coworkers, the House Freedom Caucus, led by Gym Jordan and Scott Perry, with the Notorious MTG as its unofficial mouthpiece and lead troglodyte. That’s tantamount to playing hopscotch in a Vietnamese minefield. McCarthy will most certainly have to make all types of concessions to ensure their votes on everything. Shit, chances are that he may not even be the Majority Leader even if they do flip the House. I can already see tRump’s human condom Elise Stefanik rubbing her hands together in her best Birdman impersonation. Suspense will continue throughout the month, as many of the California House elections will take weeks to sort out. Bear in mind that Cali has 40 million residents. Things are so crazy that Lauren Boebert is still sweating it out in her district in Colorado, and she was given roughly an 8.5 in 10 chance of winning. It’s looking like she will prevail, but her race has been MUCH closer than even the most expert of experts could have predicted. That’s all you need to know to put things in perspective. The Senate, like the House, did not go as planned for Rs. John Fetterman beat Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania, Mark Kelly fended off Blake Masters to retain his seat in Arizona, Catherine Cortez Masto outlasted tRump supporter Adam Laxait to retain her seat in Nevada and Raphael Warnock is headed to a 12.6 runoff versus Hershey Squirts Walker in a race that essentially isn’t a “big deal” because Dems have already [technically] retained the Senate. Warnock, the incumbent, is the favorite headed into 12.6. In the only two senate races that went in favor of Rs, 45’s buddy Ron Johnson edged Mandela Barnes in Wisconsin to retain his seat, while Cheesy nut-hugger J.D. Vance beat Tim Ryan to win the open senate seat in Ohio. The blue block party didn’t end with Congress. Dem governors were able to hold the forts down in Oregon, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Connecticut, New Mexico, New York, Massachusetts and Illinois. Maryland elected its first Black governor EVER in Wes Moore. The only Republican triumph came in Nevada, where Clark County (Vegas) sheriff Joe Lombardo beat incumbent Steve Sisolak. Sisolak had to deal with being the man in charge of the state where America’s biggest tourist economy was shuttered for months during the pandemic. I’m talking about the Las Vegas strip in case anyone reading is brain dead. Sisolak never stood a real chance, as the fingers of blame had to be pointed at someone. For further context, Lombardo is more of a traditional conservative, not a tRump loyalist. Cheesy’s last hope of a governor made in his image is dwindling with every batch of votes reported in Arizona, as incumbent Katie Hobbs remains ahead of tRump super shmeat eater Kari Lake. In other words, the fat lady has already had her mic check. NUMBERS LIE EVERYDAY, B. Headed into last Tuesday, I spent a considerable amount of time crunching polling data from Real Clear Politics, an entity that groups diverse polls and yields an aggregate number of who the favorite is. Even though most numbers fell well within polling spreads, data STRONGLY hinted at said red wave. The data birthed so many questions. Why is damn near everything trending red? [More importantly] exactly WHO are they polling, and how is this polling done? Because if it’s cold calling I have a couple more questions. Are they calling landline numbers? Who TF answers unknown callers? Are the people they’re reaching representative of the voters in these state races? I remained highly skeptical of the data because it didn’t sit right in my virtual room of commonsense. I begin with myself as an example. I’ve voted in every presidential election since 1996, but I have NEVER been called about my voting preferences. Yet, I receive texts from candidates every damn time elections are near. How are some polling numbers so significantly different from others? One poll I read swung from plus five for one candidate to plus ten for the other candidate IN ONE WEEK. I have never been a part of any polling data, yet common fucking sense tells me that type of swing is impossible in a week’s time. Polling has shown us that it is flawed on several levels, beginning with polling demographics and sample size. I’m damn near certain polling never reaches college students, as polling AGAIN vastly underestimated the college demographic. I’m damn near certain that polling rarely ever reaches minority centrists like myself. I’m fairly certain that most people reject the calls of those seeking polling data because no one I know answers unknown callers. My assumptions could be wrong, but election results say they aren’t. A VOTE IN FAVOR OF FREEDOM AND AUTONOMY Republicans were correct in the assumption that economics was the lead issue headed into midterms. They were wrong in their assumption that abortion and reproductive rights were a minor issue. Much to the miscalculation of Rs, Roe was a major issue with voters, coming in just behind the economy. Americans, to the chagrin of Rs, didn’t forget about the Supreme Court decision. They looked at ballots across the land and saw politicians and policies that threatened to undermine established precedents and freedoms, and they didn’t like who and what they saw. Look at Montana and Kentucky, two red states. Montana voters rejected proposed legislation that would have imposed criminal penalties on health care providers who do not act to preserve the life of infants born during an abortion. Kentucky voters rejected a proposal to amend the state’s constitution to say that it does not “secure or protect a right” to abortion or the funding of abortion. Voters in California, Michigan and Vermont approved legislation that enshrined abortion rights into the state constitutions. That’s 5/5 wins for abortion rights. That’s a winning percentage of 0% for Rs. The people spoke. Wave? Midterms were barely a splash or ripple. tymonday.com: @tymonday on Twitter & IG crewunb.com: @crewunB on Twitter & @theunbearablescrew on IG #MNR: THE CHOICE IS YOURS
“You can get with this, or you can get with that.” Dres Today, 11.8.2022, is Midterm Elections Tuesday. All 435 members of the House are up for election, seeking two-year terms. Democrats hold a 220-212 majority with three vacancies. There are 36 of 100 Senate seats up for election, seeking six-year terms. The current Senate is a 50/50 liberal/conservative split. The tiebreaker vote belongs to Vice President Kamala Harris (D), President of the Senate. 36 of 50 governorships are up for election. Each governor is seeking a 4-year term. In the state of New York, incumbent Governor Kathy Hochul (D) is seeking election versus Lee Zeldin (R). Hochul finished former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s term. Cuomo resigned on 8.24.2021 amidst multiple scandals involving women. Zeldin, a tRump meat glazer, seeks to capitalize on the state’s frustration with its eye sore, New York City. The crime rate is up, the subway is ‘80s dangerous, the homeless are marginalized, the mental health crisis is a lit M-80 and cashless bail is making the city look like a damn joke. In Arizona, Governor Doug Ducey (R), is on his way out. Kari Lake (R), a MAGAt zealot, is up against Katie Hobbs (D). Lake, a former television news anchor, is another candidate who wouldn’t even be on a ballot pre-MAGAt. However, she is, and almost every poll has her up against Hobbs. Hobbs may have torn her stockings when she ducked a second debate versus Lake. Hobbs said she didn’t participate because she didn’t want to give Lake another pulpit to spew her garbage and poison the ears of Arizonians. Many consider the move to be a crucial L. We shall see. The state of Georgia’s senate race pits incumbent (sorta) Raphael Warnock (D), pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church of Atlanta, GA (MLK), against former NCAA and NFL star Herschel Walker (R). Walker has endured a grocery list of scandals, from mistruths to outright lies to infidelity to assault to...you get the point. Walker is a bloody idiot who can barely put a coherent sentence together. But hey -- he did win a national championship and Heisman Trophy for the University of Georgia. We all know how certain folk love certain types of athletes, so long as they tap dance and smile on cue. Most polls consider the race a dead heat. Bear in mind that senate elections in Georgia are a bit different than other states. A candidate isn’t considered to be the winner until he/she has won at least 50% of the vote. If not, the top two vote getters will participate in a runoff that will be held a month later (12.6.2022), with the seat going to the outright winner. Chase Oliver (Libertarian) is the long-shot third candidate who will likely get enough votes to keep either candidate from reaching 50%. The state of Pennsylvania is the home of another intriguing senate race, with Lt. Governor John Fetterman (D) going up against Mehmet Oz (R), physician turned media personality. The two seek to fill the seat of retiring incumbent Pat Toomey (R). Fetterman, a recent stroke survivor, was initially up big in polls and long considered to be the frontrunner. But Oz has come storming back in the past few weeks, making the race a tossup. Oprah, who was the first to stamp Oz as a media entity, recently endorsed Fetterman. (Rubs chin emoji) In the political hotbed of Wisconsin, incumbent Ron Johnson (R) is up against Mandela Barnes (D). Barnes, Wisconsin’s Lt. Governor, seeks to unseat the incendiary Johnson, a far-right hero and borderline troglodyte. Barnes has lost earlier momentum and is now amidst an uphill battle according to the polls. In a commonsense world, a jerk like Johnson wouldn’t receive enough votes to be head porter at a shit factory. This is not a commonsense world. Every damn House seat is up for election so there’s no need to go in-depth. But please bear in mind that all-out weirdos like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene will be reelected today. Smmfh. More importantly, that means the congressman from your district is up for reelection. Are you satisfied with the job he/she is doing for your community in your district in your state? Today is the day to make your voice heard. There’s so much on the table today. A Republican House AND Senate majority could be political bedlam. The right has made every indication that they intend to come for social security and Medicare. It may not matter to you today, but it will one day. Trust me. The right is also making moves to ensure that red states remain red in perpetuity. I don’t have the time to explain all the ways; do your own research. You will see. Affirmative Action is done any day now. It’s only a matter of time before they actively try to outlaw abortion at the federal level. Count on gay marriage following shortly after. I’m not concerned with your personal beliefs. Mine aren’t important either. But America is the land of the free. That’s freedom for ALL. This nation is more diverse than it’s ever been. Leave people alone. Let them do them as long as they’re not infringing upon me doing me. We may be on the precipice of a white, evangelical Christian, far-right America. Pull your shoes up. Go out and vote if you haven’t. I’m not telling you how to vote. The choice is yours. But go vote. MF died for this privilege. ### tymonday.com: @tymonday on Twitter & IG crewunb.com: @crewunB on Twitter & @theunbearablescrew on IG #MNR: PURPLE
“The hood love you, but behind your back they pray for the day, a bullet hits your heart and ambulances take you away. That ain’t love, it’s hate.” Kirshnik Khari Ball, better known as Takeoff, one third of the acclaimed rap trio Migos, was shot and killed in the early hours of 11.1.2022. He was shot and killed in a bowling alley in Houston, TX. Reports say the conflict which led to his death began over a dice game. Takeoff and Migos partner Quavo were reportedly in Houston celebrating J. Prince Jr’s birthday. Prince is the son of legendary rap figure J. Prince. Takeoff was 28 years old. I REFUSE TO SPEAK OF THE MIGOS AS BEING BROKEN UP SO I WILL ONLY REFER TO THEM AS THE TRIO I’VE ALWAYS KNOWN THEM TO BE. DOWNLOAD QUAVO AND TAKEOFF’S ONLY BUILT FOR INFINITY LINKS RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. The ties that bind Migos are closer than friendship or rap. The three are blood family. Quavo and Offset are cousins. Takeoff is Quavo’s nephew. All three were raised [together] by Takeoff’s mother, who is Quavo’s older sister. My first condolences go out to Takeoff’s mother, Latabia Woodward. When asked why Takeoff was often absent from award shows, Woodward commented, “He likes to work and mind his business. He doesn’t like to be involved in a lot of things; he just likes to make good music for the people.” Mama Woodward’s response is the sentiment most often echoed by Migos aficionados. Quavo is the default front man of the trio. Offset is the (estranged?) husband of rap titan Cardi B., and the group’s sharpest blade in the eyes of many listeners. But Takeoff...he was the baby of the group. He was easily the most taciturn of the trio. He was always lowkey, but his voice was the scruffiest. He always carved his unique niche into each Migos track. Migos is the largest rap group since...? I can’t even say. They came along at a time when groups were on the decline. But their work, acclaim, influence and legacy cement them amongst the best to ever do it. This is the time for purists my age and older to stop it with the bullshit belief that no artists can touch the artists from their eras. I’m not sorry to say that Migos share seats at the table with Run-DMC, Eric B. and Rakim, NWA, EPMD, The Tribe, Gangstarr, Wu, Mobb Deep, UGK, Outkast and all the other legendary groups to bless the mic. All their tangibles check the necessary boxes. If you disagree, do me a favor. Ask your child, niece/nephew, or any youngster about Migos in comparison to your favorite group. You might get your feelings hurt. Yes, they have that much influence in the current era. Yes, they are an all-time great group, all things considered. My blog and the sorrow I feel are not cosmetic or contrived. I’m not some old head thirsty to blog about a current event. I’m not my bro Malik B. or other day one Migos purists. But I have been a listener since “Fight Night.” I own Culture and Culture II. I fuck with Migos heavy. I always thought their sound was 100% original. They didn’t sound like anyone else in a game saturated with artists that mimic whatever the dominant sound is. Migos was so influential that the phrase “Migos sound” became commonplace, whether genuine or in satire. Their ad libs were the best since Jeezy had Snowman shirts selling out urban wear boutiques (Yeahhhhh!). I’m gonna miss you, young fella. LONG LIVE TAKEOFF. I’m tired of our community losing rappers every other fucking month. We haven’t even finished mourning the death of PnB Rock. How about Dolph? Shit, do y’all even say RIP Mo3 anymore? How about Slim 400, Drakeo, or Trouble? XXL released an article on 9.8.2022 titled, “The Current Status of Every Murdered Rapper’s Case.” It’s sad that Takeoff’s name had to be added to the list, which began with the murder of Boogie Down Production’s Scott La Rock in 1987. The damn article wasn’t even two months old before a name was added to the list. What in the entire fuck? There are reports coming out of Houston saying that Takeoff’s death may have been friendly fire. But every report is saying that the conflict was birthed by money lost in a dice game. In a bowling alley. In a city that that man didn’t even reside in. Do y’all see where I’m going with this? We know the answers to the pertinent questions. It’s the motives we take issue with. It completely scares me that the loss of Black life is so easy, so simple. People die in dice and card games all the time. Even Englewood, NJ has its own loss due to a gambling spot disagreement. But damn. One third of the most famous rap group in the world dying over money on the floor? In a spot far from home? THIS IS THE PART WHERE I PUT MY OLD HEAD FITTED ON AND SPEAK REALITY. Piperboy Williams, one of my favorite bloggers, questioned why they were out with Prince Jr. in the first place. I agree. Takeoff and Quavo shouldn’t have been in that bowling alley in that city at that time of night. I get it: y’all partying with Lil Prince. But there shouldn’t have been a setting or situation where there was anyone or anything that would have potentially been a threat to anyone’s life. My guess is that it probably wouldn’t have happened if they were at Lil Prince’s home. I could be completely wrong, but I doubt it. My mind goes back to the first week or so in Yearbook my sophomore year of high school. We learned about public figures and the adversities they knowingly face and accept. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling that if it’s not about the money, stay as far away as possible, unless the security mimics a presidential Secret Service detail. My bro Malik tweeted, “...At this point they (rappers) have to maneuver and interact with folks only in their tax bracket and cut everything else off.” That part. I know it goes against so many popular beliefs, but successful rappers need to insulate themselves from all fuckery. Do the shows, get paid and go the fuck on about your way. And why in the world is a millionaire putting himself in harm’s way over pocket change? Shut up. I already know the answer. We [us-skinned] folk don’t tolerate ANY form of disrespect, whether it’s perceived disrespect or actual disrespect. It seems like some type of disrespect led to entourage members drawing weapons and firing. Takeoff was minding his damn business. He (allegedly) arose to see what was going on and was struck with several shots from his own camp. Quavo has to live with this tragedy every day for the rest of his life. It was completely unintended, but it happened. Over pocket change. We have to do better. RIP TAKEOFF. tymonday.com: @tymonday on Twitter & IG crewunb.com: @crewunB on Twitter & @theunbearablescrew on IG |
November 2024
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