#MNR: 3 Shot Shawty
“The man who knows something knows that he knows nothing at all.” Erykah Badu 2.12.2021: 1st jab received – NHCAC, Englewood, NJ (Moderna) 3.12.2021: 2nd jab received – NHCAC, Englewood, NJ (Moderna) 11.4.2021: 3rd jab received – CVS Pharmacy, Edgewater, NJ (Moderna Booster) Pre-existing conditions: diabetes, pulmonary embolism I’ve always stated that my life is an open book. With that being the case, above is an excerpt from the chapter titled “The [2nd] Vax Era.” I was raised to be candid and forthright; I’m no Aaron Rogers (Trust, I’m going to get to his smart yet dumb ass later). The Moderna Booster, which is a half dose, affected my body in a way similar to the initial jabs. My arm was sore AF, and I felt quite lethargic for the next day or so. I had no adverse reactions. There was never a time when I felt that I may have needed medical attention. I’m a learned and educated man. I don’t subscribe to YouTube or Facebook fallacy-laden conspiracy theories. I’m just like Black Thought’s lady friend Alana; I deal with reality and never feed into the drama. DISCLAIMER: This is the part where I offend an unknown percentage of my audience. I appreciate your support, but it will never deter the message from being given. The difference between my diatribe and all counter arguments is that I’m coming with facts and science. Salute me or shoot me. But weak, idiotic arguments and reasoning will be shut down faster than my Haitian brothers and sisters were at the border in Texas. Pull your shoes up. It’s go time. All 50 American states and Washington DC require DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis), IPV (Polio), and Varicella (Chickenpox) before entering kindergarten. 49 American states and Washington DC require the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccination before entering kindergarten. Iowa requires a measles and rubella vaccine, but not a mumps vaccine. 44 American states and Washington DC require a Hepatitis B vaccine before entering kindergarten. AL, ME, MT, RI, SD, and VT do not require the vaccine for kindergarten entry. I AM IN NO WAY IMPLYING THAT 5-YEAR-OLD KIDS SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO RECEIVE THE COVID VACCINATION (JUST YET), ALTHOUGH THE CDC NOW RECOMMENDS THAT CHILDREN BETWEEN 5 AND 11 RECEIVE THE PFIZER PEDIATRIC COVID-19 VACCINE. MY MESSAGE IS FOR ALL THE SUPER INTELLIGENT YET STUPID ADULTS WHO INSIST THAT THEY WOULD NEVER ACCEPT ANY VACCINATION. SURPRISE, SURPRISE, YOU DICKHEADS. THE LIE DETECTOR DETERMINED THAT IS A LIE. IF YOU ATTENDED PUBLIC SCHOOL, YOU WERE IMMUNIZED AGAINST DIVERSE ILLNESSES. My angst has never been directed towards anti-vaxxers, so long as those individuals are responsible and don’t wantonly put others at risk. That’s a personal decision, and you have every right to decline the jabs. If you’re 30, in excellent health with no preexisting conditions, and work out on a regular basis, it’s highly likely that COVID will be little more than a two-week inconvenience. If you are self-employed or work for a company that doesn’t require being vaccinated, more power to you. This isn’t a witch hunt. I can’t knock your selfish ass hustle until you knock mine. My fury is directed towards all the FB group, corner store, jailhouse, pulpit, didn’t even pass basic high school biology immunologists out there who persist in disseminating fallacy-laden mistruths and flat-out lies in their defense of choosing not to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Honestly, it’s not that you thumb your nose at the CDC or experienced healthcare professionals. It’s the fact that you’re so ignorant that you believe your backwoods conspiracy theories and half-truths make you more intelligent than those of us who have done the academic research and have chosen to side with science and medicine. All jokes aside, you’ve long since proven that you’re dumb in real life. People went to school with you. They know you’re dumb as a bag of rocks. Now all the sudden you’re Marcus Welby. Fuck outta here. You don’t even know all your multiplication tables OR how to conjugate simple verbs, yet you’re some type of savant in the field of immunology? All your arguments (except one, which I will address), are easily proven to be meritless. WHAT ABOUT THE SIDE EFFECTS? Are you dumb (Queens Flip voice)? Have you ever read a prescription or OTC medicine bottle or watched an ad about a medicine? Damn near all medicines come with warnings against possible side effects, and/but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will personally suffer from said effects. You know what else I find to be completely hysterical? A lot of you are proud and prolific drug users. This ain’t a judgement thing, I smoke like a chimney, dabbled with cocaine back when, and treated the medicine cabinet like a trick-or-treat bag for years. But that makes me an expert in explaining how much of an idiot you are in your rigid anti-vaccine stance. You haven’t a clue what’s in your drugs, from the tree to molly to ecstasy to the “hard stuff.” There are even reports (which have yet to be verified) that MF are putting fentanyl in weed. We know for a fact that fentanyl is in the “hard stuff.” You roll the dice every time you get high, but a vaccination crosses the line? Cool. You’re an idiot. Carry on. TRANSLATION: I promise I won’t miss you if and when you’re gone. My greatest argument in defense of being vaccinated lies within the bullshit that the “woke AF” Black community pushes. You know, the narrative about the vaccine being created to eliminate us-skinned folk. We’ll crush that fantasy immediately. The COVID-19 vaccine, much like every other vaccine in American history before the politicization of medicine, crosses every socioeconomic demographic. Rich folk, poor folk, educated folk, uneducated folk, all races of folk, and members of most religions have been vaccinated against COVID, including plenty of your family members. Are they dumb for receiving the jabs, or are you just that much of a delusional stalwart? Are you calling your grandmother dumb? Is your mother dumb? At some point, it’s imperative that we stop with the fantasy shit. A lot of y’all sound like the dumb ass MF from my younger days I’d hear flaunt their bad credit like it was something to be proud of, like it was some rite of passage. You’ve made the decision to be ass backward wrong. Cool. Just do the rest of your people a favor and keep the dumb shit to yourselves. Don’t poison them with your hogwash. For the record, my credit score is 766. Thank the Lord I stopped listening to you idiots the moment I gained knowledge of self. Smh. The only plausible defense of choosing to abstain from the jabs is the argument that the COVID vaccine is new and there isn’t comprehensive data on its long-term effects, if any. This is true…sort of. We have only had the vaccine for a short period of time. I’m going to ask you to role play for a quick minute. Put yourself in the position of an individual suffering from HIV/AIDS in the ‘80s or the ‘90s. Imagine that disease ravaging your body: the aches, the lesions, the vomiting, the rapid weight loss, the vision loss, etc. Would you have thumbed your nose at experimental treatment if it meant ANY sort of progress as opposed to just letting time run its unforgiving course? You don’t have to answer because common sense already answered for you. You’d take the treatment, with or without FDA approval. MF were dropping like flies with little to no dignity during the AIDS era. Yeah, the COVID vaccine hasn’t been around for a long period of time, but I’m pretty sure this was the case when the polio vaccine was introduced (common fucking sense). Science wasn’t nearly as advanced as it is today. As a result, it took a couple of decades to develop, but Americans listened to prudent advice, took the vaccine (especially kids), and polio hasn’t been on anyone’s mind since the last time they read an FDR biography. I know that most of you are just acerbic by nature; you’ve planted your flag in the earth and feel that reversing course at this point will make you seem weak. You’re right. It will – if COVID is ravaging your body and there ain’t shit the doctors can do for you because you’re too far gone. Hopefully your momma and granny have already been vaccinated and your exposure will only result in them experiencing non-threatening symptoms. Hopefully they’ll be well enough to plan your funeral. FOR THE RECORD: My OG was a NYC resident afflicted with HIV/AIDS in the mid-‘90s who accepted “experimental” treatment. He’s still very much alive and kicking in 2021. Aaron Rogers ------------------------------ You’re the typical elitist type: you’re sure that your intelligence and common sense far exceed most others because, well, you’re white, privileged, and attended Cal-Berkeley. This isn’t about the League (admin) or the Packers; they knew you hadn’t received the jabs. This is for all the opposing players and coaches as well as the media you were in proximity to – maskless and bumping your gums. They had no prior knowledge. You misled people and proceeded to endanger them every time you dapped, hugged, or spoke without a mask. Why? Because [in your mind] you’re smarter than everyone, and you always feel your answer is the correct answer. Then, you pull a well-known MAGAt tactic and attempt to spin your blunder as a narrative of “wokeness” and cancel culture. Nah player, you can’t draw water from that well. It’s already dried out. You’re a whole bitch. A bitch unwilling to admit to being deadass wrong. I’d spit in your face if we were in proximity. Kick rocks. Anyone in a hurry to defend this pilgrim – fuck you too. Travis Scott ---------------------------------- 8 dead, scores injured, and way too much footage of neglect during your concert/tragedy. This godforsaken situation immediately reminds old heads from my era of the CCNY tragedy from the mid-‘90s – minus the footage. Ain’t enough dickriding fanatics or money on earth to absolve you of guilt. The reality is that you do have enough money to [in time] make this disappear from a legal standpoint. But your mind and your soul? Completely different story. You gotta wear this for the rest of your life. Your filtered “apology” lacked sincerity if you ask me. But you didn’t ask me, and my opinion doesn’t mean shit. The blame isn’t completely yours. Other organizers (Live Nation), the venue, and security must also shoulder the blame. But it was YOUR event; YOUR name was on it. It’s YOUR name that will forever be tied to it. Karma is a bitch. You, in all likelihood, gon have to kiss that heifer dead in the mouth from a compensatory standpoint. You earned it. UPDATE: Travis has announced that he will refund every ticket, take care of all the funeral and burial costs for the eight victims, and will partner with BetterHelp to provide free mental health services to all those affected by the tragedy. That’s a start… Aye yo CEO, take us the fuck outta here (Q-Tip voice). -30- tymonday.com: @tymonday on Twitter & IG crewunb.com: @crewunB on Twitter & @theunbearablescrew on IG
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