REAL NIGGA UPDATE: For those of you brilliant, yet insane folk who actually support a nigga, (From 'a Question of Friendship') The First Bruva made good on the short. It’s still and will always be love between the two Bruvas. My uncle, a wise man in my biased estimation, always told me that there was nothing wrong with throwing pity parties. But he did advise me to keep them brief. Now, my personal definition of a pity party is a period in which one feels sorry for himself, regardless of the cause. The pity party could be completely warranted, and any of us would immediately empathize, having been in a similar situation and subsequently feeling some type of way in its aftermath. Then there’s the other type, the “I’m sad because the world has done me wrong, will always do me wrong, and life just isn’t fair” type. No matter what happens, regardless of its magnitude or lasting effect, this type of individual will always have the “woe is me mentality.” But at the end of the day, irrespective of the catalyst involved with ushering the pity party in, it’s always best for us to keep them brief. The longer we stay down, the greater the chance of something catastrophic happening. First, just like that good old gospel song says, “trouble don’t last always.” As dark as it may get, as precipitous as that black cloud may be, the sun will eventually shine in the end. Often, we worry over things that are nowhere near as significant in impact or duration as we initially assess them to be. We have a tendency to panic from jump, when it’s often not as serious as it seems at the moment. Second, no matter how bad things are for us, there’s a 99.9% chance there are 5,500,000,000 people in a much worse predicament/situation/life than we are. We are blessed, through it all. We are still living, healthy, and in our right minds. If you can agree to the preceding statement, there is no reason to bury your head in the sand. I must admit, when I used to throw my marathon pity parties, I’d get OD pissed whenever someone would say what I’ve stated as reason two. I used to be like, “I could give a fuck about the next person’s plight; I’m going through hell my damn self.” I was an ignorant, narcissistic, short-sighted son of a bitch as well. How dare me? There are children in overpopulated, disease ravaged, famished nations who drink from the same water they bathe, piss, and shit in who never even had any type say over how their life would go. I’ve had my destiny in my hands ever since I believed that I could achieve, and I’m complaining? How dare me. How fucking dare me. Reason three is quite simple: that’s how life goes from time to time. Just as there is laughter there are tears, as there is joy there is pain, we experience both good and bad. Even the wealthiest, most powerful man on earth goes through his woes. His only exception is that his woes aren’t financial. Be careful in agreeing with that, though. Often time money problems are the easiest, on the grand scale of things. The point is, all of us have our down times. If everything were always perfect there would be no such thing as perfect. It would just be another boring, monotone day in utopian paradise. The fourth reason is even simpler than the third… (drum roll)…NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. Not a Boeing, 747, jumbo jet, flying fuck. If you’re looking to invite guests to your pity party, good luck. All of us are stuck in the grind. We’ve got our own issues to deal with. Get your shit together. You don’t see us all down and out, do you? A wise man once stated, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” He was on point with that one. It’s a smart move for us to keep our pity parties brief. That way, we can keep our attitudes positive and ready for productivity, we can stay on point mentally, we can have plenty of storage for the times that catastrophic calamity does rear its ugly head. The key is longevity; it all begins with our outlook on things. Anyone who knows me will tell you that any type of shit I talk, any type of analysis I give, any type of judgment I express always begins deep within. I’ll scrutinize myself 1,000 times before I cast judgment on the next person, and if I do, it begins with me stating how I too am vulnerable or have suffered through the same thing. Y’all be cool how y’all be cool. I promise to lighten up a bit on the next entry. Thanks for your time. Send any love/hate mail to [email protected]. Follow me on the Twitter @tymonday and follow @creunB. We follow back. be sure to check out The unBearables Store
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